Years 11 and 12

The VCE program at Shelford represents the pinnacle of our students’ journey with us. Our senior girls occupy a special place at the heart of our community.

Shelford’s engaging VCE program lays a strong foundation for the future, whilst providing the support and care our girls need in the present. With a range of more than 20 VCE subjects, taught by specialist and expert teachers, our students can pursue their passions and develop their strengths.

Whilst learning and studying in subject domains is important, we value continued holistic development and encourage our girls to participate in the many opportunities at Shelford, such as sporting and fitness programs, the performing arts, service activities, debating and public speaking, environment group and other interest areas.

Our students emerge as adults, empowered to take on a wide variety of travel, study and work options in the future.

Shelfordian tutor program

Tutoring sessions with former Shelford students are available Monday to Thursday until 7.30pm across a range of subject areas, further supporting our VCE students in their learning.

Leadership opportunities

Leadership skills are encouraged and enhanced across our VCE program. With formal roles and informal leadership opportunities. Such as being School and House Captains, mentors and role models, running events, performances and activities and more.

Senior Innovation and Learning Centre (SILC)

Our Year 12 students inhabit the vibrant space of the SILC and use this space to gather, study, discuss and collaborate. It is where they access staff supporting them through their studies and career planning.

STAR Program

In 2022 we are launching our Shelford Tertiary Alliance Register (STAR) program. Students will work in partnership with tertiary education bodies to enhance their knowledge of and access to future study. Each student will develop a portfolio of skills and credentials to assist them in pursuing their career pathway.

Career 4sight Program

Our Career 4sight Program ensures students in Years 10 to 12 are aware of the many potential post-school pathways. One-on-one careers counselling is available, supporting students when determining subject choices and tertiary preferences. Students have the opportunity to meet people working in a range of vocations and undertake career testing to generate individualised and detailed career reports.

Quærite Wellbeing Program

Our VCE students participate in the Quærite Wellbeing Program, a wellbeing and personal development program that operates throughout the whole school.
