Years 3 to 6
As our students transition from our Junior Discovery Centre, they consolidate the foundations built in the early years and become increasingly independent learners.
The teaching and learning environment of Years 3 to 6 supports every student to achieve their personal best. Students are encouraged to be creative and critical thinkers, who are resilient and persevere when faced with challenge.
Numeracy and literacy are once again prioritised across these years through explicit instruction. Our teaching in Literacy provides students with the tools to read and write successfully. This is achieved by implementing programs such as Jolly Grammar, VCOP and the Seven Steps to Writing Success. Strong foundations in Literacy enable our students to engage fully with all areas of the curriculum.
A key feature of our Numeracy programs is our use of explicit instruction. Opportunities are provided for students to learn in a variety of groups and settings to explore mathematical concepts and develop their problem-solving skills. Students are regularly monitored and assessed to ensure we respond effectively to their individual learning needs.
During Humanities and Science, girls discover the world through the eyes of a scientist, engineer, artist and explorer. They are encouraged to share their ideas and learn to take action.
Our specialist programs include Art, Digital Technology, French, Japanese, Drama, Music, Health and Physical Education.
Key features of middle and upper primary are our Junior Leadership program, school camps, House sporting carnivals, Energy Hub Club, Makerspace Club, choirs, instrumental music programs and our biennial musical.
Part of understanding that each student is unique and valued, staff facilitate transition activities and have processes in place to ensure a smooth transition to the new learning environment of Year 7.